World Class Multi-Species Angling
AN anglers Paradise
Bowen Lodge is located on two of the most reliably successful fishing lakes in the upper Midwest: Lake Winnibigoshish and Cutfoot Sioux Lake. The "Lake Winnie Walleye Factory" is for real and if you haven't been here, it's time to pay us a visit. There are many different species to chase on the water including: walleye, perch, northern pike, largemouth bass, crappie, bluegill and the even the elusive muskie.
Our location between Lake Winnie and Cutfoot Sioux offers anglers the option to fish two fantastic bodies of water. Often, “the big lake” overshadows Cutfoot and even Little Cutfoot Sioux, but all of these lakes shine during different parts of the season and in varying weather conditions. With our safe harbor on Cutfoot Sioux Lake, fishermen have the option to fish the many bays and seek refuge from the wind and waves that can challenge anglers on Winnie.
We are proud to offer everything that fishermen and women need for a great fishing vacation. Live bait is always available in the lodge, as well as a curated selection of tackle from our friends at Thousand Lakes Sporting Goods. Our fish cleaning house is open 24 hours and regarded as one of the best in the area. Premium on-site fuel is available at the marina, and our updated fleet of rental boats are a great option for those who do not have their own watercraft.
Continue below for more information regarding regulations, fishing tips, information on each lake at Bowen Lodge and our list of preferred fishing guides. For more in-depth fishing analysis, tips and reports, head over to, managed by full time, professional guide and writer, Jeff Sundin.

Fishing on Lake Winnibigoshish
Lake Winnibigoshish, located in North Central Minnesota’s Chippewa National Forest has a character all its own. This 55,000 acre lake is the fifth-largest lake in the state and big enough to provide plenty of fishing opportunity, yet small enough to be manageable for folks with smaller boats and first time visitors. With miles of undeveloped shoreline and an abundance of wildlife, this easily accessible lake offers a look at Minnesota wilderness with a perfect location.
Known affectionately by our guests as “The Big Lake,” Lake Winnibigoshish ranks high among Minnesota’s most resilient walleye fisheries. The "Lake Winnie Walleye Factory" easily generates enough walleye production to supply the annual demand from anglers visiting the lake. Plus, walleye eggs taken each spring at the Cutfoot Sioux Stripping Station and hatched at the Grand Rapids Hatchery account for improved walleye fishing in a host of Minnesota fishing lakes. Without the walleye fry from the famous Cutfoot Sioux walleye run, many Minnesota lakes simply wouldn’t have fishable walleye populations.
Thanks in part to a protected slot limit (walleye 18 to 23 inches must be released), Big Winnie offers anglers an opportunity to catch both quality size walleye and numbers of fish suitable for eating.
Winnibigoshish is unique in that there are usually some shallow and some deeper water bites happening simultaneously. But, there are some seasonal, general rules of thumb that will swing the odds in your favor at key times during the fishing season.

Fishing on Cutfoot Sioux Lake
Cutfoot and Little Cutfoot Sioux Lakes are connected to Lake Winnibigoshish, but have their own personalities too. The chain of lakes are part of the First River flowage, an important part of what makes this system so good.
Famous for its spring spawning runs and fantastic walleye fishing, these lakes also provide our guests with some of the best crappie, bluegill and perch fishing that can be found anywhere.
Our marina is also located in a bay on Cutfoot Sioux, which provides protection from the south winds. This unique location allows guests easy access to both Cutfoot Sioux and Lake Winnibigoshish. Visitors spend a lot of time trying their best on Bob’s Bar, a piece of structure located between the two lakes and famously named after Bob Heig.
Recommended Fishing Guides
While Bowen lodge does not employ or arrange fishing guides, we do recommend several local guides that align with our values and professionalism. We suggest that you book your guide well in advance, as their reputation definitely precedes them! When booking, please let them know that you are staying at Bowen Lodge — don’t worry, we don’t get any “kickbacks” — so they can determine which body of water to spend the day on. If you would like to stay on Winnie and Cutfoot Sioux, just tell them that you would like to fish from the resort.
All of our recommended guides meet you with their boat, rods, reels, bait, and a desire to meet your fishing needs. Make sure you ask what you should bring, but some essentials would be: rain gear, snacks, sunglasses, and sunscreen. Depending on your schedule, mornings, afternoons, and full days on the water are all options.